MVE HEco 1800 Series Freezers
The new MVE HEco Series freezers provide a 20% reduction in LN2 usage, making them the most efficient vapor freezers available. The 1800 series provides option for greater storage in one freezer. These next generation high efficiency freezers incorporate hinged work surfaces that fully enclose all electronics and plumbing to enhance overall safety and usability. The technical and visual improvements provide a more aesthetically pleasing freezer while offering greater functionality. As with all of MVE’s cryogenic freezers, the MVE HEco Series freezers provide maximum storage density as well as the industry’s longest hold time and highest sample security.
Features include:
? 20% reduction in LN2 usage
? Fully enclosed wiring and plumbing
? Vacuum jacketed transfer hose
? Dry sample storage
? -190°C top box temperature
? Lowest liftover height
? Two tier folding step
Temperature Test Graph
* Temp Test indicates typical performance of HEco Series freezer with full inventory system and factory recommended level settings. Actual performance may vary with atmospheric conditions and usage.
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