概述/General Introduction
FRAPP’S Flow-Reactor (FFR) has a channel size between 10 um to 500um which manufactured by means of precision machining .The common feature of the reactor is the chemical reactions occur in tiny spaces with an average channel size of 1-3.5mm. FRAPP’S Flow-Reactor contains thousands of tiny channels that achieve high yields.
FRAPP’S Flow-Reactor have a small size channel and channel diversity in which the fluid flows and chemical reaction takes place in these channels. So that the micro-channel of the chemical equipment has a very large surface area and volume ratio.
The micro-channel reactor reacts with the principle of repeated impact driven by the high pressure plunger pump, by this way it can shorten the reaction time, reduce the occurrence of side reaction, completely eliminate the amplification effect, and improve the reaction yield.
The micro-channel reactor is a three-dimensional structural element for the chement of the chemical reaction made of a solid substrate using titanium alloy , zirconium alloy and helium alloy as the main material, using special processing technology . This can increase the surface contact probability making the reaction completely.
Suitable chemical reactions: Sulfonation, Grignard, Hydrogenation , Nitration, Oxidation, Esterification, Diazotization and other chemical reactions.
同傳統化工工藝相比,微化工工藝微反應工藝實現了對傳質傳熱的真正強化,使化學過程得到: Compared with the traditional chemical procrss, the micro-reaction process achieve a strong heat teansfer and mass transfer, while the chemical process can. | 更快的傳質傳熱 Faster mass transfer and heat transfer 比表面積大,擴散距離短,傳遞速率高;傳質傳熱效率較常規設備提高2-3個數量級 Lager specific volume, short diffusion distance high transfer ,efficiency is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than conventional equipment 更好的時空收率 Better time and space yield 減少或消除副產物,提高選擇性和收率,簡化工藝,提高產能 Reduce or eliminate by-products improve selectivity and yield, simplify process and increase productivity | 更安全環保 More safe and enviormental protection 模塊化裝置,反應過程密閉連續,瞬間持有量小,自動化控制程度高,可精確控制反應 Modular device the reaction process closed continuously , instantaneous holding small, high degree of automation, precise control response more economical and energy saving 更經濟節能 More economical and energy saving 無放大效應,減少中試環節,縮短開發周期,占地面積小,大大降低投資成本及能耗 No amplification reduce the pliot process, shorten the development cycle, small room cover ,greatly reducing investment costs and energy consumption. |
主要技術參數/Main Technical Parameters